Thursday, June 2


So? How do I start? Hello, dear reader.

Well, I have a very small experience in blogging. When I was in high school, we were required to make a blog about everything under the sun. I did not take it seriously, I just made it because it's a requirement. All the blogs there are just copy-pasted. But now, I have more time in doing this, I hope I can inspire others to make their own blogs too. (even though it's school days already)

By the way, let me introduce myself to you. I'm John Paul Canizares Gatmaitan, 16 years of age living at Olongapo City, with wild dreams and aspirations. I'm currently studying at a college here in my place, taking up the course Bachelor of Secondary Education-Major in English. I am a singer, dancer, artist and a frustrated fashion designer. I came from the family of writers---(but I don't know if I acquired it or got that DNA) Laura Gatmaitan-Perez, an editor of a newspaper in Hongkong and my grandfather Dr. Carlos Gatmaitan, a writer and an editor during his times.

I really want to speak my mind. There are a lot of things roaming around in my brain, and this is the way to express it --- blogging. The computer is probably the most powerful tool of all time. But on this modern typewriter, our words have lost it's personal touch. Yes, it's true. But, I know we can put life in to our words if we put ourselves and feelings into it. Writing means expressing, for me. The more genuine the feeling, the more excitement the reader will feel.

I just want to share this.
I wanted to put a quote on this blog, so I searched some in google. I saw what Gwendolyn Brooks have said "I am a writer perhaps because I am not a talker." Uhmm. I stopped and talked with myself. "I'm a talker, and I talk too much. Can I be a writer?" I hope so. I've written a lot since I was a child, and now, I want the world to know me. I want the world to know about my ideas. I want the world to know that I exist. :P

I think that's all for now. I'll be doing a lot of things. I just dropped by to make my first blog. HAHA. Expect to see my creations, my works, my opinions, my writings. I'll be posting them soon. Ciao!


  1. sana pwedeng ilike. haha! ive just red your first blog. ang honestly bes, i envy you for making your blog written in english. i really cant express myself in that way. haha. i am frustrated doing blogs like this, i hope i can eat the whole webster dictionary to make it easier for me. HAHA. ok thats all. thanks for following. :)

  2. HAHA. wow. don't envy me. lol. Practice makes perfect. Let's not give up! I know we'll be a good writer someday. :)
